Maybe this is already clear for some of us, but I still wonder: We are looking for a piece of Software, which can be part of the fediverse and users can install their own instances on their own (sub-)domain or participate on public domains, don’t we? Like peertube for means, which gives people the freedom to set their own terms of use.
Or is this a probleme, because some instances do not speak with each other, but we need a complete overview about the available means? Do we need technology like Holochain to synchronize the meta-datas of the means?
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It think we need such a system, you hit the point. And AFAIK there is nothing like that. That’s why I asked for the results of the “Umfeldanalyse”: Which solutions come closest to this vision?, Commons Booking, …
I can image a system being build on top of Activity Pub - but I am not sure if this is a good solution.
Thank you. Since funkwhale and peertube I’m not so sure about that either. The applications I know so far seem to be rather ‘communities’ to me and it is rather difficult to get information from one instance to other instances, not to speak of all instances. I don’t know if this is due to the specific applications or this is a general problem (feature?) of activity-pub. If this is a general problem, then evaluating information about means and agreements about them becomes really extremely complicated and tends to be ineffective - at least as far as I can imagine.
I really wonder if Holochain is a technology to get away from this centrality without the limitation of distributed instances.
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Can you have a look at this, @balkansalat ?
We didn’t know it, but it seems to be a thing in the wizard-world 
The Free Software-App ‘Reservations’ may be better then leihs - at least it looks cleaner. But we defintly have to define, what we need exactly.
Breaking News: Inventair hat jetzt auch das Activity-Pub-Protokoll implementiert. Das ist ja dieses Projekt, in welchem eigene Bücher eingestellt und verliehen werden können, die aber darauf abzielen, eine vollständige auf Wikidata-bezogene, verteilte Mitteldatenbank zu werden. Falls wir also eines Tages ebenfalls activity-pub implementieren, wäre das wohl ein sehr wichtiger Anknüpfungspunkt 
siehe: What is the Fediverse - InventaireWiki
Inventair has now also implemented the Activity Pub protocol. This is this project, in which own books can be posted and lent, but which aims to become a complete Wikidata-related distributed resource database. So if one day we also implement activity-pub, that would probably be a very important tie-in 
More: What is the Fediverse - InventaireWiki
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